A landscape shot of a sunset and wooden fence

Other Services

We offer a variety of convenient services.

Services include:

  • Visa gift cards
  • Notary services
  • Safe Deposit Boxes* - available in 4 sizes, visit us for pricing
  • Depository Night Drop
  • Cash and Coin services for personal or business use
Call us at (254) 412-2000 or visit us for more information.

*Contents of a Safe Deposit Box are not insured by the FDIC.

Telephone Banking

American Bank’s Telebank service allows you quick and easy access 24x7, 365 days a year. Telebank allows you to:
  • Obtain balance and amount of last deposit
  • Review transactions
  • Transfer funds between accounts
  • Make a loan payment
Call Telebank today at 254-867-7666.

If you need assistance with Telebank call us at 254-412-2000.

Young couple embracing while looking out at a mountain

Borrow with confidence from your trusted community bank.

Our personal loans offer competitive rates and flexible terms.

Explore Personal Lending